Friday, April 30, 2010

without wit

Sometimes I honestly wonder about the goodness in people,
I want to trust people. I want to believe that they are good. I want to believe that they will treat people how they want to be treated. I want to believe a lot of things..

But I dont.

The truth is that I have experienced far to many people that will lie, manipulate, use and abuse. Now this may be my own lack of judgment or my constant need to "fix" broken people but I have found that Im a complete pushover and end up getting hurt, a lot. I'm so afraid of hurting people or doing the wrong thing by people that I get walked all over.

I wonder, honestly if I'm the only person that lies awake and feels like shit when I'm horrible to someone. Is the only way to get ahead to stop caring?

I dont want to be cold, I really don't. But sometimes I feel like thats my only option. Survival of the fittest and all that jazz.

I wonder, can you really be happy if you always put others first?

This is just random thoughts fragmented by a tired mind and produced to you in the lamest of forms.

That is all

Smile often


  1. hey babe, you're not alone. i feel the same most of the time. if you're nice, people treat you like a doormat. when you're cold, it's just not right, not like how Christ want us to live. it's a struggle for me too. but i guess we just have to give and take sometimes, be nice still. one day, they may come to realise it. :)

  2. wow I only just got this comment. Hi there :)
    Its nice to know people understand, I think I was just having an emo day. I agree though, we have to keep being nice x
