Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just thoughts on paper

Making my own way. The road less traveled seems a breeze. I chose instead the road untraveled.
I'm small, but my dreams are big. I'm shy but my voice will be heard. I'm broken but redeemed.

the heart wants to be loved, but what is the soul willing to give up in order to obtain this love?

Continue to seek what is good. Continue to be yourself even if its not accepted, attractive, or desired. Don't fall for the lie again. Don't play your cards close to your chest. Be wise but open. Don't let your heart grow cold but don't lay it out there either. Love yourself because it's who your stuck with. Make the mark you were born to make, not the mark you hope for people to see. Go back to childhood dreams, revisit the morals of your youth.
Back when you believed you were worth it.

1 comment:

  1. That last paragraph is especially profound I reckon. Love it B - keep writing! :)
